QBE Insurance Group Limited (OTCMKTS:QBIEY) Brief Interest Update


QBE Insurance Group Limited (OTCMKTS: QBIEYGet a rating) experienced a significant increase in short-term interest rates during the month of May. As of May 15, there was short interest totaling 94,200 shares, an increase of 705.1% from the April 30 total of 11,700 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 97,700 shares, the short-term interest rate ratio is currently 1.0 day.

Shares of Stock QBIEY traded down $0.03 during Wednesday’s trading, hitting $8.80. The company had a trading volume of 73,545 shares, compared to an average volume of 40,631. The stock’s 50-day moving average is $8.64 and its two-hundred-day moving average is $8.53. . QBE Insurance Group has a 52-week minimum of $7.35 and a 52-week maximum of $9.45.

The company also recently disclosed a dividend, which was paid on Tuesday, April 19. Investors of record on Tuesday, March 8 received a dividend of $0.1263. This represents a dividend yield of 2.38%. This is a boost from QBE Insurance Group’s previous dividend of $0.11. The ex-dividend date was Monday, March 7.

About QBE Insurance Group (Get a rating)

QBE Insurance Group Limited underwrites general insurance and reinsurance risks. The company offers a range of commercial, personal and specialty products, such as commercial and household property, automobile and automobile accident, agricultural, liability/product liability, professional indemnity, workers’ compensation, marine, energy and aviation, accident and health, finance and credit, and other insurance, as well as risk management solutions.

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